BLOCKCON 2018: Day 1 Recap
BLOCKCON 2018 has taken Santa Monica by storm with great speakers. Just in time, Blockchain Beach unveiled our new Twitter handle @BlockchainBeach! Join us there for our continued coverage and our tweets from Tuesday’s Blockchain Beach Crawl.
Just in time for #goblockcon, we are now @blockchainbeach on Twitter! Stay tuned all day and the rest of this for updates from the conference! @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
You can see our full coverage from Day 2 and Day 3 or our recap of the fireside chat between AngelList Co-Founder Naval Ravikant and author Nassim Nicholas Taleb using these links.
Ralph Merkle, inventor of public key cryptography and Merkle Trees, talked with other panelists about his current pursuit to extend the human lifetime:
Here at #goblockcon, Ralph Merkle, inventor of public key cryptography and Merkle Trees, notes that being able to live forever might sound crazy, but people in the 1940’s thought going to the moon was equally as crazy and look how fast we got there @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
Later, Mark Jeffrey, CEO & Co-Founder of Guardian Circle, explained a concept about Blockchain success that Blockchain Beach agrees with:
“Activity, not market cap is the sign of success” – @markjeffrey @guardiancircle #goblockcon @goBLOCKCON… We agree!
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
After lunch, the crowd heard from David Moss, CEO of StrongBlock and formerly (EOS). Moss gave a reasonable timeline for Blockchain adoption:
Blockchains are coming! #goblockcon @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
Moss then gave an explanation of what “governance” means to him:
To David Moss (StrongBlock, formerly @EOS_io, governance means: whether he can put into smart contract code that if something goes wrong, it can be adjudicated #goblockcon @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
Finally, Moss revealed the new executive team for StrongBlock, made up of former executives:
David Moss announces the StrongBlock executive team at #goblockcon @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
A major concept in Crypto is that incentives don’t have to be in fiat currency. For Nobel Laureate Muhammad Yunus, the incentive he wants to promote is happiness:
Professor Muhammad Yunus @Yunus_Centre told the #goblockcon crowd that money has been the only incentive that businesses care about now. However, being happy and creating happiness for others can also be an incentive.
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
Late in the afternoon, we heard from Consensys Executive Director Vanessa Grellet about the luxury market:
How Does the Luxury Goods and Arts Market Benefit From Blockchain? with @VanessaGrellet_ @ConsenSys #goblockcon @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
She said that the luxury market has been growing:
The global luxury market is 1.2 Trillion Euros according to @VanessaGrellet_. @ConsenSys believes this is important because most of this has moved to a mobile E-Commerce sales experience. #goblockcon @goBLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
And that Blockchain and the tokenization of art and other assets will open them up as an asset class open to more investors:
“Art can be tokenized and pieces can sold to many different buyers. Not everyone can afford a piece of art, but many want some exposure in their portfolio as an investment.” – @VanessaGrellet_ @ConsenSys #goblockcon #BLOCKCON
— Blockchain Beach (@blockchainbeach) October 10, 2018
You can see our full coverage from Day 2 and Day 3 or our recap of the fireside chat between AngelList Co-Founder Naval Ravikant and author Nassim Nicholas Taleb using these links.

Pingback: What We Learned from Nassim Nicholas Taleb and Naval Ravikant
Pingback: BLOCKCON 2018: Day 2 Recap
Pingback: BLOCKCON 2018: Brock Pierce Closes Out Day 3
Pingback: David Moss Stocks StrongBlock C-Suite with Veterans (Exclusive)